
Yoga Nidra

While sleep and Yoga Nidra aren’t the same, both play a powerful role in helping us recharge. So, why can a full night’s sleep sometimes make us feel like we’ve been up all night, while a short, deep rest—or even a single Yoga Nidra session—make us feel refreshed and fabulous?

Yoga Nidra is like Resting on a cosmic cloud of awareness.

During regular sleep, your body cycles through different stages, with the most restorative effects coming from what’s known as the delta state—a period when your body dives deep into physical healing and recovery. On average, we spend about 30 to 60 minutes each night in this delta state, spread across short bursts. Our choices—in this case, our lifestyle choices—affect how much deep healing we get each night.

Yoga nidra originates from ancient yogic traditions. It is designed to help us more efficiently access this restorative delta-like state while remaining fully aware. This means that in a fraction of the time, it can provide a way for the subconscious to recalibrate and heal tension at different levels:

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Mental

It is a technique for tapping into a state of deep rest—one that’s rejuvenating, nourishing, and profoundly healing. Though it’s often called “yogic sleep,” it isn’t about falling asleep; it’s about reaching a level of restful awareness that sits between sleep and wakefulness. There is certainly more to write about Yoga Nidra, but as life is best lived, Yoga Nidra is best experienced.

Are you curious about it? Give our free sample audio below a try. If you want to upgrade your experience even further, have a look at our Freedom Eye Pillow.

Yoga Nidra Audio English
Yoga Nidra Audio Schweizerdeutsch
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